Monday, October 13, 2008

Our Youth, for All to See

The following copy and the individual headings were copied from a previous template that would not allow readers to comment. It might be perfect to lump these early, halting steps at being GROUCHY under one heading, as it all displays a "Can it walk or does it need a wheelchair" style. Or I should say, styles. A fascinating view into the beginnings of a blog which invites grouchy observations and ... yes ... rants.

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Tired, Achy Joints

Getting the Old Grouch Daily Rant up and running has created new stresses on this aging body and mind. Your Old Grouch has been working to restore the Comments feature so that readers can leave a kind or grouchy word. To do this might require a new template. To be continued.

One new fan posits that there are too many questions, and that one question will do ... with more of an enhanced rant about its subject. A good idea, as rants will soon run out of gas, and may require more details.

Old Grouch Daily Rant has a Board of Advisors, and these members will be offering their own rants. Today, Jittery Grouch offers this observation:

"Why do women’s shoes make such a horrible racket on the sidewalk and men’s shoes don’t make a sound? The faster the 'loud shoe-ladies' walk, the more irritating the sound. Isn’t New York loud enough?"

Right on, Jittery!

It seems to Old Grouch that the rants here may be too polite ... not ranty enough. More like An Old Grouch Daily Picque?

We're looking forward to the furies soon to be posted by the other Board member, Movie Grouch. Movie has been attending the New York Film Festival, and will be full of outraged observations.

We are greasing this wheel and inevitably will find our heart, soul, and balance. Just know that we are fed up with selfishness and stupidity, particularly in our home town of New York City, even though we can be selfish and stupid with the best of them.

Readers who are grouchy as well as eagle-eyed will notice that these rants do not appear on a daily basis. We are working to remedy this, but when you are Old and Grouchy, times passes awfully fast.

Posted by Old Grouch at 10/12/2008

Friday, October 10, 2008
Getting Too Grouchy

Old Grouch was so grouchy yesterday that he forgot to add a daily rant. So here it is for Friday, October 10, 2008. Old Grouch received a grouchy email from one of the Daily Rant's Board of Advisors saying that the question format is bringing a sameness -- perhaps dullness? -- to the proceedings. To which I say: Post comments! Get angry! Don't sit around and criticize -- start ranting!

How come college grads can't spell?

Why can't creatives marry "my vision" with what people want and can use?

Can we confine touting the next best/hot person/place/thing to once -- maybe twice -- a year?

Posted by Old Grouch at 10/10/2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Today's Five Questions

Why are babies paraded around like some badge of honor?

Why don't mothers teach children about lowering their voices, so that when children grow up they don't shriek and bray?

Why don't people who decide to give the baby a bottle move the perambulator over to one side of the sidewalk, so that we don't have to figure out how to get around them?

Why don't tourists realize that they are blocking corners and sidewalks, and that people have to move around them?

Why do salespeople who quote some ridiculously high price never let on that they could never pay it either?

Posted by Old Grouch at 10/08/2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Today's Ten Questions

Why are we stressed out all the time?

Do zillionaires really think they are protected from life's ups and downs?

Why do I have to pay a $1.50 maintenance fee on every theater ticket I buy? The theater owner receives a considerable rent from the producers whose show is playing there.

I used to think that young people's baggy clothes were a reaction to sexual exploitation -- but why are young men now exposing their underpants and rear ends?

Why does Turner Classic Movies sometimes misspell the names of stars; attribute the wrong actors to certain films; put the un-hip Ben Mankiewicz in a chilly, off-putting "loft"; need Rose McGowan (who?) to tell us about classic films; and even give Robert Osborne faulty copy ("Reni Santori" instead of "Reni Santoni")?

Why is my generation so afraid to die?

Why do people allow themselves to be manipulated by marketing?

Why is it unhip to have faith (in anything, but particularly a benevolent force)?

What's everyone so afraid of?

Why is every baby carriage outfitted like a BMW?

Posted by Old Grouch at 10/07/2008

Monday, October 6, 2008
Today's Ten Questions

Why are magazines crammed with small type, mini-stories and mini-photos crammed into every corner?

Why is nearly every young man named Josh?

Why do models look narcissistic, instead of happy, to be wearing new clothes?

Why do magazines seems to be built around the interests of advertisers?

When are we going to stop indulging young people? We can't have their skin, their energy, or their sex lives. But they don't really know anything except technological stuff.

When did the Sunday newspaper become a nightmare of poundage ... a guilt-inducing wallow into dead trees?

Why is it hilarious that the Times's "Funny Pages" are so unfunny?

Why is film/video editing still quick-cut and jerky, particularly in television commercials? I want to see what I'm looking at.

How is it possible that Paddy Chayefsky's "Network" has lost its outrageousness?

Have oldsters lost an excitement for discovery -- or is it we don't care what young people are "discovering"?

Posted by Old Grouch at 10/06/2008

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